IBM Books

MRS V3.3 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2

Configuring and Monitoring NHRP

This chapter describes how to configure and monitor the Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP). For a description of this protocol, refer to "Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) Overview".

This chapter contains the following sections:

Accessing the NHRP Configuration Process

To access the NHRP configuration:

  1. At the operator monitoring prompt (*), type talk 6 and press enter.
  2. At the config>prompt, type protocol nhrp and press enter.
  3. The NHRP config> prompt is displayed.

NHRP Configuration Commands

This section explains all of the NHRP configuration commands as shown in Table 63. Enter the commands at the NHRP config> prompt.

Table 63. NHRP Configuration Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Enable NHRP   Turns on NHRP for all interfaces that are not explicitly defined. 
 Disable NHRP   Turns off NHRP for all interfaces that are not explicitly defined. 
 List   Displays the NHRP configuration. 
 Advanced config   Gets you to the NHRP Advanced config> prompt, from which you can enter other commands as described in NHRP Advanced Configuration Commands
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

Enable NHRP

Use the enable command to enable NHRP on all interfaces not explicitly defined using an NHRP advanced config command. It is a simple way to get NHRP up and running with default parameters.



Disable NHRP

Use the disable command to disable NHRP on all interfaces not explicitly defined using an NHRP advanced config command.




NHRP config> disable
  Disable NHRP for the router [No]:

Advanced Config

Use the advanced command to get to the NHRP advanced configuration prompt, NHRP Advanced config>. From this prompt, you can enter the commands described in "NHRP Advanced Configuration Commands".




NHRP config> advanced
  NHRP Advanced config>
Note:Most installations will not need to use this "advanced" command. The enable NHRP command is sufficient to enable NHRP with recommended default options.


Use the list command to list the NHRP configuration.




NHRP config> list
  Box level NHRP enabled
    Explicit interface definitions override box level setting
  Interfaces explicitly defined for NHRP
   Interface 0: ATM
     NHRP enabled
  NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface:
   Interface: 1  ESI: burned-in          Sel: auto
   Use Best Effort: no   (Data)
   Cell Rate(kbps):  Peak: 155000    Sustained: 155000
   ATM adapter's burned-in MAC address is used as source address
  General Parameters
   Holding time:                            20 minutes
   Protocol Access Controls:                Use source and destination   address
   When should NHC attempt shortcuts?:      Based on datarate
      Data-rate threshold:                  10 packets/second
   NHS allows shortcuts to ATMARP clients?: Yes
  Cache Sizes
   Resolution cache:           10000 entries
   Server purge cache:         10000 entries
   Server registrations cache: 10000 entries
  Extension Usage
   Use NHRP Forward transit NHS record client extension: No
   Use NHRP Reverse transit NHS record client extension: No
   Use Responder Address client extension:               No
   Use LANE shortcuts extension:                         Yes
  List of NHRP IP exclude records
    # Address         Mask
  Disallowed router-to-router shortcuts for IP

NHRP Advanced Configuration Commands

This section explains all of the NHRP advanced configuration commands as shown in Table 64. Enter the commands from the NHRP Advanced config> prompt.

Table 64. NHRP Advanced Configuration Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds an NHRP interface, exclude list, or disallowed R2R shortcuts. 
 Change   Changes an NHRP interface, or changes a LANE shortcut interface definition. 
 Delete   Deletes an NHRP interface, exclude list, or disallowed R2R shortcuts. 
 List   Displays the NHRP configuration. 
 Set   Sets NHRP parameters. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the add command to add an explicit interface definition, an exclude list entry, or disallowed router-to-router shortcuts.


interface definition
exclude list
disallowed router-to-router shortcuts

interface definition
Adds an explicit interface definition to either enable or disable an NHRP interface. If NHRP is disabled on a particular network interface, NHRP packets are not forwarded to any routers that are reached via that interface. Also, incoming NHRP frames are discarded.
Note:Any explicit interface definitions override the "NHRP enabled/disabled" box-level setting.

Example: add int

                Interface Number [0]?
                Enable NHRP [Yes]:

exclude list
Adds an exclude list entry. Specify a protocol address which must be excluded from the NHRP network. This option adds an exclude list entry and prompts you to add the exclude list entry to the disallowed router-to-router shortcuts. See "NHRP Access Controls" for more information.

Valid values: IP address and mask.

Default: Empty.

Example: add exc
                IP Address []?
                Address Mask []?
                Deny Shortcuts[Yes]?
                Record added to Disallowed Router-to-Router Shortcuts
                Record added to Exclude List

disallowed router-to-router shortcuts
Adds a router protocol address to which shortcuts are not allowed.

See "Disallowed Router-to-Router Shortcuts" for more information.

Example: add dis
               IP ADDRESS []?
               Address Mask []?

Valid values: IP address and mask.

Default: Empty.


Use the delete command to delete an interface definition for NHRP, an exclude list entry, or disallowed router-to-router shortcuts.


interface definition for NHRP
exclude list
disallowed router-to-router shortcuts

interface definition for NHRP
Deletes an explicit NHRP interface definition.

Example: del int
                Interface Number [0]?

exclude list
Deletes an exclude list entry. This option deletes an exclude list entry and prompts you to delete the entry from the disallowed router-to-router shortcuts. See "NHRP Access Controls" for more information.

You must specify an index which must be deleted. Use the list exclude command to determine the right index.

Example: del exc
                Enter index of access control to be deleted [1]?
                # Address          Mask
                Are you sure this the record you want to delete  [Yes]?
                Record deleted from Exclude List
                Delete from Disallowed Router-to-Router Shortcuts [Yes]?
                Record deleted from Disallowed Router-to-Router Shortcuts

disallowed router-to-router shortcuts
Deletes a disallowed router-to-router shortcuts entry. You must specify an index to be deleted. Use the list disallowed command to determine the right index.

Example: del dis
                Disallowed shortcuts index [1]?


Use the change command to modify NHRP interface definitions.


interface definition
nhrp lane shortcut interface

interface definition for NHRP
Change an explicit interface definition to either enable or disable an NHRP interface.

Example: ch int
                Interface Number [0]?
                Enable NHRP [Yes]:

NHRP LANE shortcut Interface
Change a LANE shortcut interface definition.

Example: ch nhrp
                Interface Number of NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface [0]?
                (  1) Use burned in ESI
                Select ESI [1]?
                Use internally assigned selector? [Yes]:
                Use Best Effort Service for Data VCCs? [Yes]:
                Peak Cell Rate of outbound Data VCCs (Kbps) [0]?
                Sustained Cell Rate of outbound Data VCCs (Kbps) [0]?
                Use ATM adapter's burned-in MAC address for source?

Interface Number of NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface
Use the interface number assigned to the LSI. The interface number can be determined by using the list interface command.

( 1) Use burned in ESI
Use universally administered ESI as part of the ATM address. You may be given other choices depending upon your configuration.

Select ESI
Specify the ESI.

Use internally assigned selector
Use internally assigned selector or assign a selector in the range 00 to FF.

Use Best Effort Service for Data VCCs
Specifies the type of traffic characteristics to be associated with Data VCCs. Bandwidth is not reserved for best effort traffic.

Peak Cell Rate of outbound Data VCCs (kbps)
Specifies the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) traffic parameter for the Data VCCs.

Sustained Cell Rate of outbound Data VCCs (Kbps)
Specifies the Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) traffic parameter for the Data VCCs.

Use ATM adapter's burned-in MAC address for source?
You can use as the source MAC address for LANE shortcuts:

  1. The adapter's universally administered MAC address
  2. The MAC address supplied in the NHRP resolution reply
  3. The MAC address you configured by specifying a MAC address using the change nhrp command.

See "ATM and LAN Emulation" in Software User's Guide for further information.
Note:It is recommended that you use the default values until you have determined the specific processing options required by your environment.


Use the list command to display the NHRP configuration information.


exclude list
disallowed router-to-router shortcuts
interface definitions
cache size

Displays the entire NHRP configuration.

Example: li all

Output is the same as for the list command. See "List".

exclude list
Displays the exclude list entries.

Example: li exc
                List of NHRP IP exclude records
                  # Address         Mask

disallowed router-to-router shortcuts
Displays disallowed router-to-router shortcuts.

Example: li dis
                Disallowed router-to-router shortcuts for IP

interface definitions
Displays the NHRP interface definitions.

Example: li int
                Interfaces explicitly defined for NHRP
                NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface:
                Interface: 3  ESI: burned-in          Sel: auto
                Use Best Effort: yes  (Data)
                Cell Rate(kbps):  Peak:      0/     0    Sustained:   1000/538764944
                MAC address supplied by NHS is used as source address

cache size
Displays cache sizes.

Example: li ca
                Cache Sizes
                ----- -----
                Resolution cache:           10000 entries
                Server purge cache:         10000 entries
                Server registrations cache: 10000 entries


Use the set command for the following:


protocol access control usage
attempt shortcuts
holding time
data-rate threshold
extensions ...
cache size ...
shortcuts to atmarp clients

protocol access control usage
Determines if the IP access controls will be checked and, if so, how these controls will be applied to NHRP packets. See "Protocol Access Control Usage" for more information.

Example: set prot
                Use (Destination, Source & Destination, None) [None]?

Valid Values: None, Source and Destination, Destination

Default Value: None

attempt shortcuts
Determines how the NHRP client decides when to originate resolution requests.

Valid values: Y, N, Data-rate.

Yes. Always try to establish a shortcut VC by building a Next Hop Resolution Request and sending it to the next hop station.

No. Never try to establish a shortcut. Using this option essentially disables the client function in the router. This setting might be used in an intermediate router (one that is not an entry point into the NBMA network for routed traffic) to eliminate the "domino effect", where traffic following the routed path triggers NHRP Resolution Requests at each NHRP router along the path.

Try to establish a shortcut only after the datarate threshold is reached.
Note:This setting can prevent the creation of VCCs for "one-time" traffic, such as SNMP traps that are sent to an SNMP manager.

Default: Data-rate.

Example: set attempt
                Try shortcut VCs? (Yes, No, Data-rate) [Data-rate]?

holding time
Sets the holding time in minutes.

The holding time parameter is used for these functions:

Valid values: 1 - 60 minutes.

Default: 20 minutes.

Example: set hold
                Holding time (in minutes)  [20]?

data-rate threshold
Sets the data rate threshold in packets/second.

The datarate threshold is used when the attempt shortcuts parameter is set to Data-rate.

When traffic is destined for a particular station, but the rate is less than this threshold, then the router does not attempt to establish shortcuts. (In other words, it does not generate Next Hop Resolution Requests and send them to the next hop along the routed path.) Once the traffic rate exceeds the threshold, the router tries to establish a shortcut. If it can successfully create a shortcut path, the path is used even if the traffic drops below the threshold. The path continues to be used until the traffic stops for a period of time. This is done to avoid going back and forth from the routed path to the shortcut path if traffic is sporadic.

Valid values: Minimum 1 packet/second. Maximum is 5120 packets/second.

Default: 10 packets/second.

Example: set data
                Data-rate threshold in packets/second [10]?

Sets the selected NHRP extension usage to yes or no.
Forward transmit NHS (default: no)
Reverse transmit NHS (default: no)
Responder Address (default: no)
Lane Shortcuts (default: yes)

Valid Values: yes or no

Example: set ext lane
                Use LANE shortcuts extension [Yes]?

cache size resolution OR registration OR server purge
Sets the selected cache's maximum entries.

Cache sizes can be selected for any of the following:

resolution cache
This parameter lets you determine the number of entries in the cache for client functions. Each cache entry contains the protocol address-to-NBMA address mapping that can be used to create shortcut VCs. Entries are in the cache when the router has:

When the cache size is exceeded, no new attempts are made to resolve protocol addresses to NBMA addresses (in other words, no new Next Hop Resolution Requests are sent) until existing entries are purged, either because the holding time has expired or a specific purge request has been received from the originator of the information. Also, when cache size is exceeded, Registration Requests from new clients are rejected.

Valid values: 256 - 65535 entries.

Default: 10000 entries.

Example: set cache res
                Number of cache entries [10000]?

registration cache
Sets a limit on the number of registration entries in the resolution cache. When the server receives a registration request, it checks to see if the number of NHRP client registrations is below this limit before adding a registration entry in the resolution cache.

Valid values: 256 - 16384 entries.

Default: 10000 entries.

Example: set cache reg
                Number of cache entries [10000]?

server purge cache
This parameter lets you determine the number of entries in the server purge cache. An entry in this cache represents a destination protocol address and a client to which the server has provided Authoritative NBMA information for that destination.

The destination address may represent the server itself, devices on subnetworks to which the server is attached, NHRP clients that have registered with the server, or routers for which a R2R shortcut has been advertised. The router uses the information in these cache entries to notify clients to purge address information that becomes invalid before the holding time expires.

When the server purge cache size is exceeded, the server rejects Authoritative Next Hop Resolution Requests.

Valid values: 256 - 65535 entries.

Default: 10000 entries.

Example: set cache serv
                Number of cache entries [10000]?

shortcuts to ATMARP clients
Allows or disallows shortcuts to ATMARP clients.

This parameter can be used to allow or disallow the server from giving out shortcuts to native ATMARP clients that do not support NHRP. This may be required if these clients are not capable of supporting large number of VCs. Use the "Exclude List" option if shortcuts need to be disallowed selectively to certain clients or subnets.

Example: set shortcut
                Allow shortcuts to Classical IP clients?  [Yes]:

Accessing the NHRP Monitoring Process

To access the NHRP monitoring prompt:

  1. At the operator monitoring prompt (*), type talk 5 and press enter.
  2. At the +>prompt, type protocol nhrp and press enter.
  3. The NHRP> prompt is displayed.

NHRP Monitoring Commands

This section explains all of the NHRP monitoring commands as shown in Table 65. Enter the commands from the NHRP> prompt.

Table 65. NHRP Monitoring Command Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Box Status   Displays NHRP enable/disable status. 
 Interface Status   Displays NHRP interface status. 
 Statistics   Displays NHRP interface statistics. 
 Cache   Displays NHRP resolution cache entries. 
 Server_purge_cache   Displays NHRP server_purge_cache entries. 
MIB Displays MIB information.
 LANE Shortcuts   Displays LANE shortcut entries. 
 CONFIG Parameters   Displays, changes or resets NHRP configuration information. 
 Reset   Dynamically reconfigure NHRP interfaces or protocol. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

Box Status

Use the box status command to display NHRP status as configured for the box (for example, all interfaces not explicitly defined).




 box status
  Box level NHRP is ON by config

Interface Status

Use the interface status command to display NHRP status on interfaces.




interface status
  Interface 0: UP  (NHRP enabled)
  Interface 1: UP  (NHRP disabled)
  Interface 2: DOWN
  Interface 3: UP  (NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface)


Use the statistics command to display NHRP statistics for all interfaces or for a specific interface.



Lists NHRP statistics on all interfaces.

Example: statistics all

Output is the same as that for the statistics interface command as shown in the following example.

Lists NHRP statistics on a specified interface.

statistics interface
  Interface number [0]? 0
  Statistics for Interface 0
  Field Description                          Value
  -----------------                          -----
  Inbound Requests                            5
  Outbound Requests                           3
  Inbound Replies                             3
  Outbound Replies                            5
  Inbound Registers                           0
  Outbound Registers                          0
  Inbound Error Packets                       0
  Inbound Error Indication Packets            0
  Outbound Error Indication Packets           0
  Reply Forwards                              0
  Unrecognized Options                        0
  Registration Overflows                      0
  ProtocolErrors                              0
  Negative Outbound Replies                   0
  Inbound Packets on NHRP disabled interface  0
  'Send_to_me' Outbound Replies               0
  Inbound Purges                              0
  Outbound Purges                             2


Use the cache command to display all NHRP resolution cache entries or a specific cache entry identified by a destination address.




Lists NHRP cache entries.

Lists a specific NHRP cache entry.


cache list
           Total Client Cache Entries = 3
           NHRP Client Cache Entries
           Dest Address    NextHop Address State Htime MTU  Net
           ------------    --------------- ----- ----- ---  ---
          Act   1121  4490  1
          Inact 1185  4490  1
          Act   602   9180  0
cache entry
           Enter destination address  []?
           ATM Address: 39840F0000000000000000000410005A00DEADCA
           State:       Act
           Net:         0
           HoldingTime: 433 seconds
           MTU size:    9180
           Flags:       0x00420000


Use the server_purge_cache command to list all NHRP server purge cache entries.




Use the MIB command to display NHRP MIB related information.


list ...
entry ...

Lists NHRP mib entries for:

Example: mib list server table
           MIB Server Table List
           Index Server Address  State ATM Addr
           ----- --------------  ----- --------
           0         UP    39840F0000000000000000000210005A00DEADC8

Lists a specific NHRP mib entry in either:

Example: mib entry serv
           Index [0]? 0
           Index           : 0
           Protocol        : 1x0800
           Protocol Address:
           ATM Address type: 0x0 (NSAP)
           ATM Address     : 39840F000....
           SubnetworkId    : 0
           Authentication  : 1
           Current Clients : 0
           Max Clients     : 512
           State           : 1
           Net             : 1

LANE Shortcuts

Use the lane shortcuts command to display all or specific entries using LANE shortcuts. You can also display any ATM addresses for which LANE shortcuts are disallowed due to operational problems.





Displays all LANE shortcuts.

Example: lane all
           LANE Shortcut Interface #: 1, ATM Network Interface #: 0
              Next Hop Prot @   Dest Mac @         VPI/VCI
              ----------------  -----------------  --------
               04-AA-AA-AA-AA-01    0/34
              Current MTU being used: 4490

Displays a LANE shortcut entry.

Example: lane entry
           LANE Shortcut Interface number [0]? 1
           Enter IP address of next hop []?
           Next Hop Addr:
           Dest Mac Addr:  04-AA-AA-AA-AA-01
           ATM Address:    39840F0000000000000000000310005A00DEAD02
           Media type:     Token Ring
           VPI/VCI:          0/34
           Holding Time:   20 minutes
           MTU size:       4490
           RI Field:064001020203

Displays all disallowed LANE shortcut entries.

Any ATM address listed in this display means that the NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface received data from that ATM address. This is not allowed since all NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface VCCs will be used only to transmit data to a LEC at the other end. If the LEC attempts to send data over a VCC set up by an NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface, then the VCC will be brought down and no further LANE shortcuts will be set up to that LEC.

Once the condition which caused the NHRP LANE Shortcut Interface to receive data has been corrected, then the device must be restarted in order to allow that ATM address to be again used for NHRP LANE shortcuts.

Example: lan dis
           LAN Shortcut Interface #: 2, ATM Network Interface #: 0
           Atm Address

CONFIG Parameters

Use the config parameters command to access the command menus for display, change, or reset NHRP configuration parameters.

Table 66. NHRP Config Parameter Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Display   Displays the current NHRP and Route-switching configuration parameters. 
 Change   Allows NHRP configuration parameters to be dynamically changed without affecting the static configuration. 
 Reset   Reads the configuration parameter from the static configuration and uses it during the router's runtime. 


Use the display command to display the current NHRP and Route-Switching configuration parameters.



Displays NHRP configuration parameters, including general parameters, cache sizes, extensions usage, exclude list, and disallowed router-to-router shortcuts.


Use the change command to change the current NHRP configuration parameters. See "Set" for a description of these configuration parameters.










Use the reset command to reset the dynamic configuration parameter value to the value in the static configuration. See "Set" for a description of these configuration parameters.












Use the reset command to dynamically reconfigure NHRP protocol or an interface. A reset causes the applicable static configuration values to be used.



Resets NHRP statistics, interfaces, and configuration parameters to the static configuration values. This is equivalent to a cold-start of NHRP.

De-activates the NHRP interface and then activates the interface with new interface static configuration values.

NHRP Packet Tracing

NHRP packet traces can be activated from the Event Logging System (ELS) which is an integral part of the router operating system. See "Using and Configuring the Event Logging System" and "Monitoring the Event Logging System" in Software User's Guide

The NHRP packet tracing mechanism supports the "set trace decode on" option. This option enables the NHRP packet trace output to be interpreted for viewing. The control frames over the LSI can also be traced apart from the NHRP protocol packets. For details on using the trace facility see the description of the trace command in "Monitoring the Event Logging System" in Software User's Guide

The NHRP protocol packets are identified by event 19 and the LSI control packets are identified by event 113.

Sample trace output #1:

Dir:OUTGOING  Time:  Trap:6035
Comp:NHRP  Type:UNKNOWN  Port:1  Circuit:0x000000  Size:160
** NHRP/MPOA Frame **
AddressFamily:ATM_NSAP  ProtocolType:IPv4  HopCount:64  PacketSize:160
Checksum:0x03F4  ExtensionOffset:0x0038  Version:1  PktType:ResolutionRequest
SrcAddrTL:20  SrcSubAddrTL:0  SrcProtoLen:4  DstProtoLen:4
Flags:requester is a router  Flags:want authoritative only  Flags:want unique
only  ReqID:1
Src NBMA:39840F0000000000000000000610005A019600C9
Src Protocol Addr:  Dest Protocol Addr:
0038: 00 08 00 1C 08 00 5A 00  00 01 00 0A 00 00 00 00    | ......Z......... |
0048: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
0058: 00 08 00 34 08 00 5A 00  00 01 00 0C 00 00 00 00    | ...4..Z......... |
0068: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
0078: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
0088: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 08 00 08 08 00 5A 00    | ..............Z. |
0098: 00 01 00 06 80 00 00 00                             | ................ |

Sample trace output #2:

Dir:INCOMING  Time:  Trap:6035
Comp:NHRP  Type:UNKNOWN  Port:1  Circuit:0x000000  Size:202
** NHRP/MPOA Frame **
AddressFamily:ATM_NSAP  ProtocolType:IPv4  HopCount:63  PacketSize:202
Checksum:0xEC88  ExtensionOffset:0x005C  Version:1  PktType:ResolutionReply
SrcAddrTL:20  SrcSubAddrTL:0  SrcProtoLen:4  DstProtoLen:4
Flags:requester is a router  Flags:authoritative info  Flags:requested info
unique  ReqID:1
Src NBMA:39840F0000000000000000000610005A019600C9
Src Protocol Addr:  Dest Protocol Addr:
1483 VCC Shortcut Information (CIE) follows:
  CIE Code:0  Prefix:32  MTU:4376  Htime:180  Preference:254
  CIE NBMA:39840F0000000000000000000310005A01950103
  CIE Protocol Addr:
005C: 00 08 00 1C 08 00 5A 00  00 01 00 0B 00 00 00 01    | ......Z......... |
006C: 97 00 01 04 03 03 03 02  11 18 90 00 5A 01 94 00    | ............Z... |
007C: 00 08 00 34 08 00 5A 00  00 01 00 0D 00 B4 14 00    | ...4..Z......... |
008C: 39 84 0F 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 03 10 00 5A    | 9..............Z |
009C: 01 95 01 03 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    | ................ |
00AC: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 08 00 0E 08 00 5A 00    | ..............Z. |
00BC: 00 01 00 07 06 A0 00 80  00 20 80 00 00 00          | ................ |

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